Canberra City Care - a ministry of Life Unlimited Church

Canberra City Care

We provide practical help for people experiencing financial hardship.

Make sure you select Canberra City Care from the dropdown options.

If you need a tax deductible receipt, please email us and provide details of your donation.

Cereal boxes

HandUp Food

Our food store stocks a range of affordable food and everyday essentials.

Lettuce growing in a garden

Garden & Kitchen

We grow fresh fruit and vegetables in our garden and create healthy low cost meals in our commercial kitchen.

Clothing rack

ReRuns Op Shop

Our op shop sells a range of pre-loved clothing and other goods at very low prices.

Tech shed sign

Tech Shed

We have affordable computers and offer technical support at our tech shed.


Cafe CatchUp

Grab a snack, light lunch and hot or cold drink for just a gold coin donation.